Back home after a month in Spain and Italy
We are back home after our month-long Spain and Italy adventure. The blog interviews start up again in two weeks, on June 5. Meanwhile, here are some photos I took of some of the most interesting art we saw.
Cartagena, Spain is a magical city with sculptures scattered throughout the public spaces.
El Zulo, bronze, ~5 meters tall, Victor Ochoa, Cartagena, Spain
Whenever we are in Palma de Mallorca we try to visit the Catedral de Santa Maria de Palma de Mallorca. It was designed in the Catalan Gothic style. In 1901, Antoni Gaudi was invited to work on the restoration and designed the main alter. It is a wild sight to behold in true Gaudi style. We also visited the Museum of Sacred Art.
Gaudi’s Alter Mayor de la Cathedral de Palma, Mallorca, Spain
The Virgin Mary and Infant, alabaster, sculptor unknown, Museu d’Art Sacre de Mallorca
Marseille, France is a lovely city with beautiful architecture.
Cathédrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Marseille, Marseille, France
The ruins in Pompeii, Italy were a dramatic and somber place to visit.
The Basilica in Pompeii was built between 120 and 78 B.C.
Remains of a bakery in Pompeii
There are really no words to adequately describe the art in Florence, Italy. But the David at the Galleria dell’Accademia pretty much says it all. I did learn that his right hand and head were out of proportion because the statue was originally meant to be displayed high atop the Opera del Duomo cathedral and viewed from below.
David, marble, 17 ft tall, Michelangelo
Our final stop was Rome. Wow, we really love Rome. So much to see – and eat! We always try to tour the Vatican Museums when we are there. Sadly, no photography is allowed in the Sistine Chapel. We had never been to the Colosseum before, so it was a special treat to tour it this time.
The Colosseum in Rome
Ceiling of the Vatican Gallery of Maps, fresco, multiple artists
The Fire in the Borgo, fresco, Raphael, Apostolic Palace in the Vatican
School of Athens, fresco, Raphael, Apostolic Palace in the Vatican
The Pantheon viewed from the corner cafe.
Roman Pizza – a true work of art!
It was a spectacular trip, but we are glad to be back home. Arrivederci!