200 interviews...and counting!

200 interviews...and counting!

I started the Arkansas Art Scene Blog in March of 2020 because I thought it would be fun for me to learn more about artists here. I wanted to learn more than just about their work. I wanted to learn about who they are and what drives them to create. I hoped readers would enjoy that also but didn’t know if there would be many readers. And while I thought then that I would be posting to the blog for the foreseeable future, I really had no idea that I would be posting an interview with an artist nearly every Monday unless I am out of the country or during the Holidays. Last week was my 200th interview and I could not be prouder that it was with friend and collector Curtis Finch, Jr.
I think there were many take-aways from that interview, but one in particular was echoed in a tribute to Curtis by artist Robyn Horn, “One thing that I have always appreciated about their [Jackye and Curtis] collecting is how much they care about getting to know the artists whose work they collect.” That really does describe Jackye and Curtis perfectly. They have told me so many fascinating stories about the artists in their collection. I think getting to know the artist should be a goal of everyone who buys a piece of art.

In preparing this post, I looked at each name on the List of Interviews and tried to picture in my mind one or two specific works by the artist. With only a very few exceptions, I was able to really visualize their work and remember at least a few details about them. I was actually a little surprised at that – and pleased. Those of you who have looked at the interviews over the years, go to the List of Interviews and give that a try.

Now after 200 interviews, I think the blog is a particularly good resource for learning about Arkansas artists (and others who support the arts) and I hope art teachers will introduce their students to the blog. That said, no one hates pop-up ads more than me, so the blog remains (and always will be) ad free and a pop-up free zone, which I think everyone appreciates. I get requests for ads or ‘guest posts’ to promote something every week. Never! And artists interviewed will never ‘pay’ for their interview – ever. This, of course, means that I retain control and I only interview artists whose work I like and others that I think are relevant and interesting. After all, it is my circus 🤡🤣

Here are a few statistics and a screenshot from the blog analytics regarding the visitors to the blog. This just blows my mind! Several things are worth noting. The data are totals from March 9, 2020 (when the blog began) through July 14, 2024 (note that July’s data are from only half a month). During that time, the blog has been visited 85,351 times and 117,396 pages were viewed, which means that many people who go to a specific interview also view other interviews. I was worried that after 4.5 years there would be significant reader burnout. But the graph indicates that the number of visits has been fairly constant over time. Also, the blog’s number of Instagram followers continues creep up and is now at 1,671. This all makes me very happy😁

This has been an amazing ride! I don’t want the blog to outlive its relevance and I don’t know what the future may bring, but for now I am having a blast and I hope you are too!

The next interview is Monday – see you then!!

Interview with artist Christian Scott Perry

Interview with artist Christian Scott Perry

Interview with collector Curtis Finch, Jr.

Interview with collector Curtis Finch, Jr.